Shelby's Senior Pics

For Shelby's senior pictures we went to
a few places. This is a place up in Alpine, Utah
that Shelby and her family knew about.  I
don't even remember how we got there, but
it is beautiful.  People call it sliding rock but
right now it's more like waterfall rock.

Shelby wasn't real fond of the camera being so close to her,
but I told here the pictures would look great....they do,
thanks to her great looks!

She got a scholorship to play basketball
in college!  Way to go!

This is Shelby.  She's really cool.  She's into sports.  Especially
waterskiing and basketball.  I don't know all the stuff she's into,
but her mom tells me whatever she trys, she's good at it. 

This is possibily the funnest most adventureous photoshoots
I've ever done.  Keep in mind I'm not a National Geographic
Photographer, so I usually am on land and not big on hiking,
but I made an exception for Shelby, and I am glad I did! 
I'll definately do it again if anyone wants to, and has a boat!

This girl is awesome.  I can't believe I got any clear shots, but I did!
It's harder than it seems.  I'm so glad I got these at sunset.  They
are my favorite of her skiing.

JAMES, or if you've known him forever, JAMIE

This is the very handsome Jamie. He has a really
cool mom (she's my best friend from clear back to 2nd grade).
This kid could be a model.

This building is so awesome for backgrounds, esp.
for guys.  There are very few flowers.  That usually is a selling
point for the Senior boys

Love the rustic stairs!


This is Hayden.  He is one of my daughters friends.  She
graduated last year, but they were in Orchestra.   We
had all kinds of fun going on Orch.Tour!  New York,
California, Las Vegas, St. George.  Fun times!
Hayden's eyes are one of his great features, plus his smile!


Brittany's Senior Pictures


The Harley Davidson Building is an awesome place for a
photoshoot!  It's rustic and has great landscaping.   Do you
think they are excited to graduate or what?
Josh's mom marries Tony's dad, and now they are brothers.  Boom...just like that!  What's cool about it is that they get along and are good friends.  I'm a sucker for happy endings and great beginnings for these two guys.  Way to go on graduating!